Reproduction and genetics are the central themes of biology. They relate to big questions of life such as: who are we, where do we come from, and where are we going? In the combined science of reproductive genetics, generations are interconnected and fertility plays a significant role.
The cell lineage responsible for this is known as the germline, with gametes as the functional products and heralds of information. The book follows the germline and attempts, through a more liberal and narrative use of language, to bridge the gap between an academic textbook and society.
Book Details
This book aims to combine knowledge and insight for an audience with sufficient prior knowledge of the broad field in which genetics and reproduction are intertwined. To this end, the “knowledge landscape” has been organized in 19 chapters and 4 text boxes. The power of language has been used as an aid in the search for insight, so that a structure has been created for people who deal with this matter professionally (including education). Also, for the educated layman it has a lot to offer, thanks to the excellent illustrations and an up to date glossary of scientific terms.
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