Op 18 oktober 2018, tijdens de 95e Dies Natalis van de Radboud Universiteit, ontving Jeroen Brouwers een eredoctoraat van de Radboud Universiteit. Dit eredoctoraat werd aan hem toegekend vanwege zijn belang voor de Nederlandse literatuur. Deze uitgave omvat onder andere de laudatio van de erepromotor Jos Joosten, de dankrede van Jeroen Brouwers en een curriculum vitae door Brouwers’ biograaf Johan Vandenbroucke.
On 18 October 2018, during the 95th Dies Natalis, Jeroen Brouwers received an honorary doctorate from the Radboud University. This honorary doctorate was awarded to him because of his significance to Dutch literature. This edition includes the laudatio by the honorary promotor Jos Joosten, the acceptance speech by Jeroen Brouwers and a curriculum vitae by Brouwers' biographer Johan Vandenbroucke.
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On Wednesday 11th May 2022, Adriaan van Dis received an honorary doctorate from Radboud University for his achievements as an ambassador for language and culture learning. This publication includes the eulogy of the honorary doctorate and the speech of thanks by our honorary doctor.
As a writer, commentator and documentary maker, Adriaan van Dis argues for more literacy, and especially for reading stories, poems and comics. Reading stimulates the imagination, promotes empathy and strengthens our tolerance.
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